Boarders Hand Book

Sri Aurobindo mira Unverical School CBSE

Hostel Students Rules and Regulations

Home Stay:

  • This is the allowed exeat and should be recorded in the students hand book.
  • Any of the permitted members will be only allowed to take the student from the school.
  • Parent / Guardian should strictly adhere to the exeat timings - “out” as well as “entry”.
  • “Fine” will be levied for late reporting Rs.100/- for one hour and Rs.200/- for 2 hours.
  • No student will be permitted to enter after a lapse of 2 hours without the principal’s permission in such cases student has to report the next morning and meet the principal after 9 a.m. to seek entry.
  • When students report after home stay, they should not bring additional clothes or food item of any kind to be taken in.
  • Any extra “Item” if confiscated, will not be given to the student.
  • Students are not to bring any, expensive item to the hostel. If brought it is at the owner’s risk and school cannot be held responsible for its loss or damage caused.
  • Parent / Guardian must co-operate with the warden in-charge in filling up the details in the Home stay sheet.
  • This sheet does not include any unscheduled or any other emergency exeats.
  • Parent / Guardian cannot take the student ahead of time quoting the time and distance.


  • All emergency cases will be handled by the school. The parent / guardian must authorise the school to attend to their ward’s health hazards at any time and keep them posted on that.
  • For any particular “Doctor’s Review” the student has to be taken out by the Parent / Guardian, then a formal permission must he sought 48 hours prior to the appointment.
  • Parent / Guardian is requested to take such appointments after school hours or on a holiday so that it does not affect the academic routine.
  • Medicines must be deposited with the warden in-charge and should not be with the student warden should be briefed about the dosage to be given.
  • Timings should be strictly adhered to as entered in the “Hospital” record maintained by the school.


  • Outings are organized by the school hostel to promote in students some social responsibilities.
  • Outings provide the students, Joy and fun perfectly amalgamated with rich learning experiences also.
  • It is totally the responsibility of the student to conduct himself / herself in such a manner to ensure the safety of that individual.
  • Parents / Guardian must give their consent to the Director in writing to send their ward to all the outings organized by the hostel.

Visitor’s Day:

  • This is the “allowed” visit that is scheduled in the boarder’s calendar.
  • Only those member enrolled in the register will be permitted see the student.
  • The visitor cannot met or talk to any other student during this visit.
  • The Visiting hours can happen only within the permitted / stipulated time. No extended time will be granted.
  • Visitors are advised not to bring food from home on visitor’s day.
  • Students cannot take to the Dorm any of the food supplies from outside as it will invite insect’s frats or even get spilt.
  • If parents want to give money for ‘tack’ to be bought from the canteen, the cash must be deposited only with the warden in-charge. School is not responsible for the loss of ‘cash’ in student’s custody.
  • Parent / Guardian cannot report early or go late quoting time and distance.
  • Parent / Guardian is to co-operate with the school in signing up in the visitors day register of their ward.
  • Parent / Guardian is requested to replenish the essential items such as hair oil, Soap, Shampoo, body cream or lotion etc. during the visit.

Special Exeat:

  • Special Exeats can be granted only by the Director.
  • Special Exeats is given to students to leave on an emergency such as:-
  • Untoward incident at home
  • Sudden health set back in a student
  • Very important religious rites to be attended to
  • Only permitted members in the visitors list will be allowed to take the student from school for such emergency exeats.
  • Parents / Guardian must strictly adhere to the timings mentioned in the Special Exeat register.


  • Students are encouraged to take part in various inter & intra school competition. This is a wonderful platform provided for the students to showcase their talents.
  • The permission from the parents allowing their wards to take part is mandatory.
  • Any expenditure involved with regard to getting the materials and necessary props required for the competition has to be met with by the students.
  • Camp expenses and the “to and fro” charges to event places outside Madurai also have to be met with by the participants only.
  • The teacher escort will take utmost care of your ward and the school will extend all help to your ward to equip himself / herself for the competition.